Saturday, January 2, 2010

First art!

Hey guys, this is a coloring page i colored and i wanted to show it to u. Here it is: (click on it to make it bigger

Send your art to! More art coming soon!

Hi everyone! Welcome to chobots Art!

Hi guys. Julz and I would like to announce that we are having a blog and a website just for chobots art!! Hopefully we can get the chobots team involved and we can have contests to win stuff for chobots! Well, this is the blog and the website will be coming out soon. On this blog, people send their chobots art to will get their art put on this blog! It will also go on the website. We accept graffiti art (on chobots), sculptures, paintings, colored and un-colored drawings, and coloring pages. It doesnt have to be chobots-related but it can be. Maybe we can make a contest soon! Send your art to and make sure you put your chobots name in the email!!
